
Showing posts with label Books. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Books. Show all posts

Friday 11 June 2021

Laurus, eugene vodolazkin

Animals have souls but the soul is kindred to their bodies and contained in their blood, mind you people did not eat animals until the flood, they spared their souls, for an animals soul dies with its body

What is a soul? Arseny asked. It is what the lord breathes into a body, what distinguishes us from rocks and plants

Weep and pray o arseny and do not fear death, for death is just the bitterness of parting. It is also the joy of liberation

why are there no names on the graves
because they are already known to the lord
in 100 years no one will know who they belonged to

dante, divine comedy

Monday 12 April 2021


 The Life of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ Containing the Genealogy of Our Glorious Redeemer Together with the Lives and Sufferings of His Holy Apostles, Evangelists, and other Primitive Martyrs etc. By the Reverend John Fleetwood, D.D. Printed for J.Cooke, at No.17, Pater-Noster Row, London Dated MDCCLXXIV (1774)

Tuesday 16 March 2021

The book of common prayer 1627


The Works of Flavius Josephus

 Quarto, 2 volumes, bound in contemporary calf, red and green morocco spine labels in gilt, with frontispieces, numerous engraved plates, some folding. In very good condition, with the armorial bookplates of Samuel Bostock, rebacked Titus Flavius Josephus was a first-century Romano-Jewish historian who recorded Jewish history, with special emphasis on the first century CE and the First Jewish-Roman War (66-70 CE), including the Siege of Masada. His most important works were The Jewish War (c. 75) and Antiquities of the Jews. Fielding and Walker 1777-78, London, 1777.